Jean - Philippe is a Professional of Tourism and Environmental Sciences with more than 14 years of experience, he is Forestry Engineer (Chile) and Master in Development & Management of Tourism in territories (Research) from Pantheon - Sorbonne University in France. Moreover, he owns certifications in ecotourism, sustainable tourism, rural tourism, and protected area management in indigenous territories.
JPLEMOIGNE has developed many projects linked with his expertise, working in different levels including ecotourism planning, design and construction of trails, territorial tourism evaluation, indigenous tourism development, monitoring impacts of tourism, protected area planning, ecotourism guide, and ecotourism professor since 2011, be in charge of many courses and developing research in the same areas. Also, he has traveled to many countries in North, Central & Latin America, Europe, Asia and Oceania, opportunities in which he has known different realities related to tourism development and the challenges of sustainability. All this background has given to him an international vision that apply in his work.
As a Professional proactive and committed to sustainable development, with ability to organize and implement projects, leadership and excellent social skills, plus the management of French, English and Spanish languages, JPLEMOIGNE is able to work in achievements of high exigency in different regions of the world.

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